Tips for Using an Online Auction Site to Sell IP Addresses You Don’t Want

Many people use online auction sites to purchase IP addresses. In fact, you might even have IP addresses that you have purchased from one of these auction sites. However, people can also use these sites to sell IP addresses. If you have IP addresses that you don't want anymore for one reason or another, then you might want to make use of one of these sites so that you can get rid of your old IP addresses. If you're looking for tips for selling IP addresses on an auction site, you can check out the tips below. Plus, the site that you work with might have some advice for you, too.

Be Aware That You Might Not Be Able to Sell All of Your IP Addresses

First of all, be aware that depending on the auction site that you use, you might not be able to sell all of your IP addresses. For example, some auction sites have rules that prevent sellers from selling IP addresses that are listed on ban lists. You should carefully check the criteria and requirements that are in place from the IP address auction site to determine whether or not your IP addresses can be sold.

Sell Your IP Addresses in Bundles

Typically, you might find that you will be most successful if you sell your IP addresses in bundles. After all, many people who are in the market to purchase IP addresses don't just want to buy one or two. Plus, this will make it easier for you to get rid of multiple IP addresses at one time.

Price Your IP Addresses Fairly

One thing that you might like about selling your IP addresses on an auction site is the fact that people can bid on them. After all, this could lead to you selling your IP addresses for a pretty high price, depending on how desirable they are and how many people bid on them. However, you will typically need to set a reserve price or starting bid. Make sure that you price your IP addresses fairly if you want to get a lot of interested bidders.

Provide as Much Information as Possible

If you want more people to be interested in your IP addresses when you put them up for auction, you should provide as much information about them as possible. For example, you may want to mention in your listing whether the IP addresses have ever been used in the past, and if they were, what they were used for. The more information that you provide, the more interested buyers you might find. After all, when purchasing IP addresses, people typically want to know a little bit about them.

If you're ready to sell IP address, contact companies that provide ARIN auction services. 
