About Pipe Cameras

Pipe cameras play a very important role in the plumbing industry. They can also be important for other purposes that include looking down into a small and deep area where the human eye is incapable of seeing. As far as the plumbing industry goes, here is some information on pipe cameras that you might find to be useful.

Get fast answers

Before pipe cameras were used in order to see what was going on with plumbing pipes, investigating involved much more time and work. In fact, in some cases yards would have to be dug up just to find out if there was an issue. Other times, repairs would be put off due to the inconvenience and expense of having the plumbing system troubleshooted.

Once pipe cameras came along, they allowed plumbers to quickly and easily find the issue that was going on deep within the plumbing system. Not only does this make a plumber's job much easier, but it also allows savings to be passed on to homeowners due to the fewer hours and less work involved to pinpoint problems.

Get accurate answers

The cameras that are used now offer plumbers a very clear picture of what is going on. Things such as clogs, cracks, breaks, problematic roots, and other issues can be easily found and shown on the monitor in a way that allows the plumber to know just how minor or severe the issue is. One common problem that was once very hard to detect was root growth that caused problems with the plumbing pipes. Now, the cameras can show this, so there is no guess work.

Get answers safely

Not all plumbing is located in an area that is easy or even safe for plumbers to access. This means that in the past, troubleshooting issues could pose safety risks to the plumbers. However, having the ability to use pipe cameras now makes a plumber's job safer in many cases.

Share information

Pipe cameras also give plumbers the ability to record what the camera sees and even share the video with others who should have access to the information.


When something happens to a plumber's pipe camera, it is important to have it fixed right away. Having their camera go down can cause the plumber to need to put off certain jobs. Not only can this seriously inconvenience the customer, but in a majority of cases, it will lead to the customer calling someone else out because they simply can't put off having their plumbing fixed.
